"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Sunday, February 21, 2010


When I stepped out on the back deck to greet the new day I was struck by the crisscrossing of so many jet contrails in the early morning sky. The sun seemed to be rising on it's journey across the sky and I marveled at the human race joining the sun to travel through the the heavens. Who knew that Icarus had the right idea, he just overstepped his bounds and made the sun angry. (Of course, the sun knew that Icarus would learn the secret that it is the earth that moves, not Sol.)
Today with a new understanding we soar into the edge of space and fill the sky with voyages unimagined just a blink of universal time ago. Before I ran for my camera I was filled with wonder and a sense of gratitude that I am here to ponder the miracle of life and all that has come before to give me this day.
This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24


Marcie said...

Pretty image, and pretty thoughts to accompany it. Thank you for letting us in on your train of thought. :)

Cloudhands said...

This blogging does give vent to what used to be private thoughts and daydreams. I'm glad you are kindly inclined to my ideas.

Nina said...

God created the heavens and the earth and saw that it was good... There are special times that fill the soul with so much Life and Love. When night graces day with a rich and colorful blanket saying sleep well dear friend.... And.... when day once again returns to chase away the night and fill our spirit with possibilities! These are the moments where Angels grace us with their peaceful presence. What a wonderful post and photo of one of my most favorite times of day.... Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

Gilly said...

That is a lovely shot. We get similar trails in the morning (flying over to the N. Americna continent) and they look fabulous in a red sunrise!

And indeed, the day that the Lord has made is a blessing to us all.

Cloudhands said...

I love beginnings. Everything is filled with possibilities, fresh and ready. So, I agree with you that mornings are wonderful. I try to step out every morning (sometimes quick out and back in) for a quick pray and a moment of just being aware.

Cloudhands said...

Hi Gilly,
Are you traveling up in the air often? I would have loved more long distance traveling, but haven't done much so far. The only reason I might hope for reincarnation would be the hope that next time I might be a serious traveler.

Beth Niquette said...

How extraordinary. And to think the people who lived on this soil hundreds of years ago would have been astonished...maybe even thought it magical.

It's beautiful.

Cloudhands said...

I agree that we seem to live in magical times. I am amazed that we who look to the clouds for inspriation and daydreaming can also create our own version of clouds that run straight and true.
Golly, what fun.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Just checking in. What a beautiful image. I have the same thoughts that you do. Thank you always for your kind words that you share with me on my journal.

Cloudhands said...

I'm so glad you took the time to stop by and share a thought. You are always so welcome here.

Deborah Carr said...

Hi Cloudhands - I followed you here from One Woman...I, too, follow the trails through the sky, wondering about all the people flying from here to there, each one with a complete and full life, joys and sorrows...some of them looking down on my little speckle of space and wondering about me.

Sometimes, it's all just too big to comprehend, isn't it?

Cloudhands said...

So nice to meet you. Looking to the sky must be one of the most ancient forms of contemplation. Oh my, how we love the mystery and the chance to wonder and consider possibilities. It never grows old.