"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday stroll - I'm ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille

Oh lookie, I have a new camera and I have been practicing my close up maneuvers.


KiKi helping me hold down my reading chair
while I study my camera.

KiKi heading under the Lantana.

The Vinca being all she can be.
The lesson for me is being true to your nature and be
the very best yourself you know how to be.
With the heat index over 100' my walking is taken in
quick steps outside and equally quick right back inside.
Ice tea is the drink of the day.


Anastasia said...

Hello Cloudhands,
Stopping by to say hello - and to let you know I'm looking forward to when you start posting again :)

Nina said...

oh what beauty there is in a flower.. and a kiki! Smiles and hugs. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

Laura said...

so beautiful...I love your sweet friend KiKi!

trashmaster46 said...

I like your lovely assistant Kiki. :)

Beth Niquette said...

Hello, dear Cloudhand--I was thinking of you today--I pray you are alright. I haven't heard from you in oh, so long.

God bless and keep you safely, dear Friend.

Cloudhands said...

Oops! Somehow I seem to have lost the comments from the last several posts. Weird.