Picking up where I left off the other day with our patch of little wild Iris
lets head on over to the strange---
I discovered this odd looking growth on a small pine trunk. Some parasitic alien thing which circles the tree, but doesn't seem to be harming it at the moment.
Phlox shinning on a little hill.
Sweet shrub is blooming.
Hosta is filling in for the summer and soon will give the daffodils rest and shade taking the eye away from the daffy stems which are dying back.
The evergreens were wonderful touches of green relieving the tiresome dull grays of winter and now are setting their new growth.
The side of the garage is garnished with the sweet smell and sight of Lily of the Valley.
Bluets and cinquefoils make pretty ground cover.
My winter over plant started blooming a month ago and has been back on the front porch for a week or so after living in my sewing room during the winter.
Everywhere I look there are sights and sound that catch my attention and send me off in every direction trying to see and experience everything all at once. Silly me. I think I know better. I will slow my pace, settle down to one thing at a time and enjoy the leisure of being in the moment.
Follow me for other strolls at The Quiet Country House.
I loved the stroll through your woods and gardens this afternoon. The lily of the valley in particular caught my fancy. I could almost smell it. I have just a couple of little stems of it beneathe a tree in the butterfly garden and it never does much of anything. Maybe someday there will be a fragrant patch blooming there (though not in April, I presume!)
What beautiful shots, Cloudhands! I especially love the Lily of the Valley, which was always a favorite in my mother's garden. I've been so busy being a grandma these days, I haven't been posting as much, but I do do daily updates on Facebook . . . much quicker! Thanks for sharing your lovely spot in the world!
Aisling and Ruth,
Lilies of the Valley are so sweet. I got my start from a friend who was being over run by the sweet little plants. They are spreading nicely along the east side of the garage.
Being a new grandma takes lots of energy and you are bound to be right where you need to be. If I were a more faithful Facebooker I'd check in with you, but I hardly every go there. Have fun with Joshua and blog when it suits you.
Lovely plants and an interesting walk. I like those hostas - I have some beauties, but the slugs and snails just love them, and its hard keeping them off!
But we do have Lily-of-the-valley here - not out yet, but so sweet when they do appear.
I am really interested in that strange growth...wow--it's kind of beautiful in an alien sort of way!
All of your photos are just lovely. Wonderful!
Thank goodness the slugs around here must not like our Hostas. Althought since you have mentioned it I may be peeking under the leaves from time to time just to be able to ward off any slimmy invasion.
Did you enlarge the picture of the strange pine 'thing'. It is certainly something You might find if you wandered about our woods with a camera in hand.
A curious case of odd encircling orange sprinkles. At least that is what it looks like to me.
Beautiful travels! I love all the signs of Spring! Such soft beauty waking after the long winters nap. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
It's delightful having you stop by bringing your love and light. This is such a encouraging time of year, watching all the stiring to life from the deep winter sleep.
daffodils and hostas at the same time?
As the daffodils begin to fade the hosta are coming on here in Tennessee. The daffodil stems behind the hosta have been dead headed and soon I will twist the stems together and let them die down naturally.
My grandmother had lily of the valley along the edges of her flower garden. I wish I had talked to her more about where she got her starts, I am sure that she and her friends traded, and they gathered from woods and fields saving seeds and roots....Gardening is so different now - either we cultivate what nature has provided or we can head off to a huge nursery and be overwhelmed with choices.
Your pictures have made me look closely at what is growing around my own house. My hostas aren't as big as yours yet :)
I also noticed a cardinal sitting perched on my porch yesterday. Unfortunately, he flew away before I could take his photo!
I have found many people who are thrilled to share their flowers and garden produce. Mostly all you have to do is show interest and admire their handiwork and you'll go home with the result of pruning, dividing and clearing spaces for the newest favorite plant. Many of my plants have such histories. I even brought plants from Michigan, some are doing very well, others didn't like the move.
Isn't it fun to look around and see what you have again for the first time. Birds who visit us are like gifts of color and song. I try to keep my camera ready by the window to catch those quick visits, generally they are just streakes and blurs, but every now and then I capture a friendly flyer.
Flowers and some of them have such lovely smells make me smile and able to think about me and what I enjoy and often as I gaze upon their beauty I pray, which gives me renewed strength...
Dorothy from grammology
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a note. Flowers seem to charm us and tempt us in the most delightful ways.
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