It's hot and muggy and the flowers are telling us whether or not they are enjoying all the rain and heat that is covering Tennessee right now.

Here in the light shade of the Dogwood tree these Geraniums are looking perky and happy.

The feathery Celosia and cousin the Cockcomb Celosia are surrounding the Vinca and are starting to show some growth. Also showing growth are the grasses and stray weed that have flourished in the rain and sun that will soon find me busy with the hoe.

The sunflowers are starting to form heads and are looking like they might reach their promised 8 to 12 feet.

The Lantana is always a favorite flower and attracts the bees, butterflies and humming birds.

I look forward to the Lantana filling in the bare spots, but I need to get busy with that hoe and clean up the ragged edge. This area is needing serious attention.

Getting out of the direct sun I headed for the front porch and a picture of the sweet Wax Begonia. It is so much more comfortable here in the shade.

This succulent has been flowering since February in the Hobby Shop where it winters over.

We will bid a fond farewell with a glimpse of the wind tossed Mimosa Tree flowers. There is a breeze but with a heat index of around 100' it doesn't really refresh the spirit or the flesh right now.
May I encourage you to stroll along with other folks by going to
Aislings place and seeing where they had wandered.
Interestingly, it all manages to look cool and fresh, despite your intense heat. I hope you get a break in that weather soon, but it looks as if your garden beauties are holding their own.
Glad you strolled. Stay cool!
Yes, your neighbor has the same heat, rain and humidy. Some flowers doing well and others - like Aisling said - are holding their own. All my work outside is done early in the morning and after lunch I am inside. 100 degrees on my deck!!
We really are spoiled by our air conditioning, we are very comfortable. But Jim and Judy will be here in 9 days and I do want to pretty things up in the yard before they visit, so early mornings and late in the day it's work work work.
I understand this week will be another week of high temperatures so be sure and pace yourself. Thanks for stopping by.
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