Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col. 3:16
How sweet it was!! We are back home after making a whirlwind road trip to the sunny land of Florida to join in a gospel singing funfest.
As a teenager Hubby Dear was in a gospel quartet called the Gospel Ramblers. There was a reunion of sorts this last weekend at one of the member’s home and we heeded the call to join them and their friends in an old fashioned sing-a-long. What a joy and delight it was to be there.
Let me see if I can tell this story from the beginning. The Gospel Ramblers were four young men from Columbus Indiana, Gerald sang lead, his brother James was the bass, Richard was tenor and Steve was the baritone. They sang for the glory of God (it also didn’t hurt if some pretty little gals were impressed.)
Then life began to get serious with college, military service and careers. Steve stayed with music and became a music educator in the Florida school system. He also managed to meet and know many professional gospel singers over the years. Richard and Jim kept their voices limber in their church choir. Jerry was inclined to play the guitar and sing for his own pleasure in small jam sessions with friends.
Now in the years of retirement and reconnecting with old friends we met Steve and wife Cindy when they were vacationing in Tennessee and learned of a yearly get-together with Richard and several of their mutual friends. Well, we wondered if we could get involved with this wonderful reunion and they very kindly said “sure”.
We hoped brother Jim would also be there so that we could have a full fledged reunion of the Gospel Ramblers. That wasn’t to be this year, but there is always next year as people often say. We can only hope.
We are so glad to have reconnected with all the old friends and to have met so many new friends. There were about 18 of us gathered around the piano and around the living room. Thank you Steve and Cindy for opening your home to such a delightful event. And, thank you God for the love and friendship built around music. What would we do without music.