"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I've got that bouncy, springy kind of feeling that flings me out the door and into the yard to see what winter has brought in the way of tree pruning and flower nurturing. And what to my wondering eyes has finally appeared ( I've been checking this patch of ground for weeks) but the glorious yellow of early spring ----- buttercups -----------jonquils -----------daffodils
call them what you may. They bob their heads and say "Hello Spring" I'm so ready.

The Yellow Flicker sings and I hear a call back from somewhere in the woods. Is is courting time?

The winter winds were busy pruning and lightening the tree tops of weak unsteady branches.

The burn pile is filled with the riff-raff of pruning. Most of what fell in the woods will lay where it fell to do the natural building of the forest floor and create shelter and food for all that lives and forms a forest habitat. What you see here was cleared from the front and side yards.

A little tidying is called for here.

One more shout of SPRING from the Daffodils and I'm done.

Head on over to Aisling's comfy home place for more Sunday Strolls.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Looks a lot like my woods. Yes, much will stay on the ground in the woods - have a burning pile that holds branches and pruning from my small yard. Hoping - Spring continues to grow warmer.
Have a great day - my new air card is installed!!!

Cloudhands said...

Computers and all our wonderful technical gadgets are miracles to me, but they certainly add a layer of aggrevation that tarnishes the wonder of it all. But, we are loving the advances of spring which is simple, natural and reliable. At least so far in my lifetime.

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, I did so enjoy taking a Sunday stroll with you! Your daffys are just gorgeous!!!

It is raining today--there's a big storm coming in tonight--and for tomorrow--but perhaps not as much wind here as at the coast where they're expecting 70 mph winds.

I love a good storm. It's just a strange thing. Don't know why--just do.

Have a great rest of the day.

Cloudhands said...

Hey Beth,
We got up to rain this morning after fierce winds through the night. But today after church the sun sent the clouds on their way and we had a lovely afternoon.
I have been a fan of thunder storms since I was a child. I always felt safe and secure in the house with my folks during bad weather.

Marcie said...

Mom, Pretty daffodils! So good to see them. Mine are a little behind yours, but we can have an extended daffodil season if we share our photos. :)

Cloudhands said...

I see Daffodils as sunshine on the ground. They just seem so bright and refreshing. I'm sure it has everything to do with leaving the grays of winter, but they certainly strike my fancy.

Gilly said...

Yes, our daffodils are very nearly out. In fact their pale yellow buds, are nearly as pretty as the flowers seen in a mass! And our forsythia is nearly fully out too.

But no one told the weather it was spring and its turned to winter again. Snow in Scotland, cold, high winds elsewhere!

Cloudhands said...

We are slaves to the sun aren't we? Here in Tennessee the weather has been cold and wet and now "Oh happy day" it is going to be warm with bright sunshine till the end of the week. I will be out soaking up the vitamin D.