This is a very short stroll out the back door for pictures and then a quick step out the front door for the final snapshot. We hurried home Friday evening from Uncle Clarence's funeral in Alabama. The casual conversations had centered around football and the weather forecast of lots of snow for Alabama as well as Tennessee. We had an easy ride home and on Saturday we awoke to our first snow of the season and it was a doozy. Experience told us the highways would be dangerous and we were content to snuggle down and get comfortable with plans to watch the big championship football game between Alabama and Florida. When I say we won you must read Alabama as interchangeable with we.
I never felt inspired to head out to my Quilt Studio, but liked the idea that no shoveling would be required. The patio stones, like cement and asphalt roads hold heat well into winter and melted the snow quite nicely for a quick run to the hobby shop should I have been so inspired.
The snow was heavy on the evergreens and heaped up on the deck. Not the best time for a cook out for awhile.
I took a short cut through the house and stepped out the front door to be greeting by my little mascots on the front porch. I really think it's time to move the boy and his dog inside to a more pleasant room.
The snow doesn't last forever and a day later as we went to church this morning the roads were clear and the snow slowly fading into the good earth. I love to watch it snow and when the sun shines it sparkles so outrageously, when the wind blows it swirls and dances so grandly. When the sun gives of her warmth the snow quietly dissipates into it's natural element of water nourishing the earth once more.
Wonder what the weather and strolls are like elsewhere. Go to Aisling's Quiet Country House and see who else made a stroll today.
cozy in the house we could happily sing------
Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But, the fire is so delightful
And, since we have no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Wonder what the weather and strolls are like elsewhere. Go to Aisling's Quiet Country House and see who else made a stroll today.
I love the combination of the made made (the decks, the furniture, the statues) and the natural. Your photos really highlight the beauty of snowfall. Stay warm!
Everywhere we look on the weather map we see SNOW. I wonder if this is an omen of a active winter weather season. Ah, it's time to gather emergency provisions, candles and lamp oil.
Great photo's on a cold snowy day. Don't you just love to sing around the fireside! We still do when we have family gatherings down home on the farm. May those traditions never change. The weather here's been unusually warm. They are predicting snow later this week. Last year we started getting snow in early November and it kept coming after that! :-) Today, green grass and bare trees. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
I love the snow--though it does not fall where I am. (sigh)
I especially love the photo of the snow-covered statue--what a darling picture--it fills my eyes.
Thank you for your kind words, for your prayers. ((hugs)) I think you are wonderful.
Snow!! The Climate Change scientists keep telling us our climate is getting warmer and warmer, and I reckon we will be lucky to see snow this winter!
Unless, of course, the Gulf Stream turns the other way or something, and we get the weather of Labrador!
But your snow looks very pretty!
We love to sing with friends. We tend to sing southern gospel, but all songs of our youth are fair game when we can remember the words. I even have a stack of favorite songs I've created that we can share with a group so that we can actually sing all the words rather than the la la las that we used to be reduced to filling in with.
The little boy and his dog are safe and warm in my quilting room. I know they are not really affected by the weather, but I hated to see them on the front porch covered in snow. Silly me.
I'm so glad your sister is recovering and your Dad is receiving the care he needs to heal his dreams and memories.
I can't imagine not having snow during the winter, it is something I've always known and love the sparkle and crisp air and I admit to loving the taste of fresh clean snow.
Over the ages I know that the earth has entertained amazing weather changes everywhere and the top of the mountain where we live was once the floor of the ocean. So as the world endures everything will move and change again and again. The earth is a living, breathing force of nature. Wonderful.
Oh my!! What a beautiful winter wonderland. There was only a little dusting at our north Alabama country house, even so, I hated to miss it as we were further south. I love the snow!
Such beautiful pictures of tranquility.
I think the relatives we were with last week were looking forward to a little snow there in Culman, Alabama. A dusting would have suited them, more and they might have to find mittens and hats. Those southern cousins like their mild winters and like to boast of how grand their little bit of the world is when the north is suffering winter storms.
No snow in my area. Your images are beautiful. How lucky you are to have a special place for quilting and special creations.
I love the way you write.
It has been such a pleasure to find online likeminded folks who can easily speak of the most basic heartfelt thoughts with a gentle approache to life. To me it underlines the spiritual nature we know or are seeking to know. And defies the public display we see so often of fear and anger. I really think those of us who live simply and quietly are the element of balance in the world.
Hello My beautiful Friend,
Just checking in hope all is well with you and your family...just thinking of you today.
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