I actually started out as a brunette. Here is little me at around 2 years old.
Let me grow lovely, growing old-
so many fine thing do;
laces, and ivory, and gold,
and silks need not be new;
and, there is healing in old trees,
old streets a glamour hold;
why may not I, as well as these,
grow lovely, growing old?
Karle Wilson Baker
I seem to go against the grain of women who stay 29. I have loved growing older. I have always had deep respect for older people and the wonderful strengths they often display. There are so many who have survived to tell of wisdom received as they journeyed along their pathway of life. I choose to learn hard lessons the easy way and accept life advise readily from those who have gone before. I have stumbled over enough of my own worries to hopefully pass on a little wisdom to any who are willing to listen. So here I sit on my 68th birthday, counting my blessings.
* The poem is from 'The Best Loved Poems of the American People'. 1936
Happy Birthday! Cute little photo! I saw a photo of a woman who by her face (she had had endless cosmetic jobs done) looked late 40's. But her hands and arms gave her away, they were the hands of a woman in her late 70's. Or maybe earlier, as she was so thin - nothing makes your hands look a little younger than a bit of fat under the skin!!!
I think its so sad chasing youth like that. It doesn't really bring happiness!
Your picture is very sweet. I've always thought so. I love that poem. I hope I age as gracefully as you!
I also am amazed at women who think a young looking face is so important and hope no one notices the rest of their body. Silly women.
Thank you for the good wishes. I really look forward to the coming year.
Hey, Aisling,
Thank you, we come from hardy good women and I always admired how engaged Grandma Maynard and mother were. Grandma Belk was a very shy woman, but had great resilience and good healthly genes right up to the end. So, I think you are destined for a wonderful full maturity.
Happy birthday! I've grown up spending lots of time with my grandparents and great-grandmothers, and I too will be proud of my age when I get there. For now though, I really will be 29 on my next birthday :)
I hope you had a wonderful celebration!
I think women or men who accept themselves wherever they are in life are just so much more content. I'm big on peace of mind and accepting what is. It doesn't hurt to have wonderful live examples how to grow into being a 'wise women' either.
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