I am going to start with the purple flowers and wander until I reach the fields of gold.
I have no idea what this tiny charmer is, but the smaller the flower the lovelier they seem to be. At least that is what I have found to be true so far.

Here is the wonderful autumn returning Asters.
This Thistle is being explored by a lightening bug.
I think this is a purple Lobelia.
Joe Pye weed. Each of these purple flowers were a darker shade than my camera captures.
Here showing up for the late summer is another Lobelia. This time it's the lovely and talented Cardinal Flower.
Also sporting red is the Heart's a Bursting. The seed pod is a wonder to behold in deep pink and orange.
The Big Leaf Magnolia sports a curious seed pod similar the Evergreen Magnolia
seen all over the southland. This big leaf variety is only found at higher elevations and is a primitive species but still thrives in this day and age.
Good old Staghorn Sumac. The seed heads make a refreshing lemonade type drink that the pioneers were fond of drinking.
I leave you with a collection of golden flowers that range from goldenrod through the sunflowers and everything in between. I am never sure whose family I am admiring. I did add all the varieties whose pictures I have taken.

Drive along any road and I'm sure you will find plenty of gold to take home for bouquets.
Go to Aisling's house and see who else is strolling.
Here is the wonderful autumn returning Asters.
Here showing up for the late summer is another Lobelia. This time it's the lovely and talented Cardinal Flower.
seen all over the southland. This big leaf variety is only found at higher elevations and is a primitive species but still thrives in this day and age.
Good old Staghorn Sumac. The seed heads make a refreshing lemonade type drink that the pioneers were fond of drinking.
Drive along any road and I'm sure you will find plenty of gold to take home for bouquets.
Go to Aisling's house and see who else is strolling.
I'm still waiting to borrow a camera for my stroll... and then I will have to contend with the wind! In the meantime, I loved your wildflower photos! Golds are stealing the show here too!
I've always loved the flowers of late summer and fall. It is sort of like my favorite time late spring and summer. But it does seem the fields are fuller of color this time of year after a full growing season. Hope you find a camera.
What lovely flowers! Those yellow daisies with black centres we call Black-eyed Susans, and grow in our gardens. If we are lucky. the Sumac tree is a favourite in sheltered parts of municipal parks, too. though I don't think I'll try the lemonade!
Lovely to walk with you! thank you.
Oh, Gilly,
You might be surprised by the taste of Sumacade. Years ago when I was in my 'back to nature' phase I gathered wild things and made teas, jams and jelly and even Sumacade. Since lemons are readily available in the market I don't go out of my way to gather sumac anymore.
You will be pleased to know that Black eyed Susans carry the same name here and I also have some tame ones in my flower border. They are also wild and free to be seen in open fields everywhere.
It was a pleasure to have you join me as I walked.
Just as a few short months ago, the main color was purple, now yellow rules the flower world around here. Most of mine are wildflowers, and just couldn't be prettier. Do you find they last in bouquets? I haven't tried picking any.
I make wildflower bouquets all the time. Queen Anne's Lace always add an airy component. Like any cut flowers I strip most of the leaves and change the water often. Some wildflowers have a shorter life than others, you just have to experiment. If anyone in your house has allergies some flowers are going to raise the sneezing level. I have taken bouquets to church and as long as the sensitive folks keep their distance they do alright.
I went to your Stroll yesterday, and found that we are sharing similar flowers in bloom even though you are in the far north and here I am in Tennessee.
Now I'm sorry I didn't comment, but I do appreciate you stopping by and saying Hello. I've got to be more forth coming when I enjoy someones blog. Come again anytime.
Oh, how beautiful...thank you for taking me on this walk with you. It was refreshing to my soul. Your photos fill my eyes.
This is so much fun having you visit several of my recent offerings. I know you have been so busy with your Dad and getting your folks home. Thanks for coming by today.
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