"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"Breathing in, I calm my body and mind,

Breathing out, I smile.

Dwelling in the present moment,

I know this is the only moment."

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh is a marvelous Buddhist teacher and peace advocate. One of his main teachings is mindfulness. He teaches us to relax, breath deeply and to remember to smile. Living in the present moment we have no future to fear or worry about. Living in the present moment we don't have to regret or hang on to the past to confirm who we are right now.

Right now is brand new, filled with potential. Breathing deeply and smiling reminds us to relax and enjoy ourselves. You may not want to believe it but we can always choose to see things differently. We can't change what is happening, but we have a choice as to how we are going to proceed.
Most moments are neutral. How we are reacting is what gives the moment its meaning. So especially in times of stress remembering to make a quick adjustment with a deep breath and little smile gives us some moral support and a reminder that this too shall past.

Two or three deep belly breaths in a dire situation is akin to taking a tranquillizer. Slowing the breath, deepening it with a very slow exhale are always an option, totally natural and fills your brain and body systems with your own body's prescription. Just the right amount for you.
This is an introduction to Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese healing art and exercise which centers around The Breath.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

You make me smile. I could have written this post. Have a great day. All you shared - I try to do.
I am still a work in progress!!

Cloudhands said...

Thank goodness we can admit to being works in progress. To know that is a mark of wisdom and hope. I very much admire where you are on your quest.

Marcie said...

I have never read an entire work by Thich Nhat Hanh but have loved every quote of his that I've come across. Nice post, and as I read it (I must have missed it earlier in the week) the news was reporting on an event called "Slow Down London" in which some folks in London are trying to slow the pace of things. They are walking around at a snail's pace in the city, asking people it they have time to slow down a bit, and just generally giving the reminder that life shouldn't be lived as if it is one deadline after another rushed deadline. It was a cute story.

Cloudhands said...

Serendipity! Some people believe there are no accident just interestingly placed events. There is actually a quote about no accidents just can't think of right now.