"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Monday, April 27, 2009


We didn't start out on our back roads jaunt to look for wild flowers, but we found hillsides of delightful examples of native plants that were wonderful. We like to head out on the back roads and see where they take us.
If there was ever a community around this little church it is gone now. It sits at the bottom of a hill that must surely challenge the congregation during bad weather. It is steep and crooked. The scenery along the way was lovely but the real attraction was along the fence rows and in the ditch line.

Banks of Mayapples were all along the road side.

And, then there were large patches of Trillium. The plants were 20 inches tall, I didn't see any that had the flowers opened fully.

As we entered the shady wooded stretch we were also slowed to a crawl by the hairpin curves and the need to get out of the car to take pictures. Can you see the road down below. I think if you click on any picture you will see more detail.

A purple Trillium

A delicate little Trillium

This pink specimen was near the hillside of White Trillium that are pictured below.

Along the way I took pictures of flowers whose names I am not sure of so I will be checking the pictures against my field guides and do a second installment of our wildflower excursion.
The temptation to dig and carry some flowers home was really strong, but the sights we were seeing needs to be shared.
Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Thank you for sharing your ride with me. I love the quote at the end.

Cloudhands said...

Glad you could come along. I spent some time today with my field guides and the internet to name seven flowers. I was pretty sure of 2 or 3 but needed to confirm my opinion. I'll do a second blog of all the flowers we saw that weren't trilliums.
I also have admired the conservation pledge. It is so gentle.