"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Friday, April 17, 2009


Now--- making place mats is not high on my list of accomplishments, but as a Quilt Guild class project we learned a technique for cutting six layers of fabric at the same time, moving the top two pieces to the bottom and cutting across the whole stack again and again as you restack the fabrics. Finally you sew them back together for the finished effect. I had six fabric and now have six place mats. Some of the quilters had eight layers and so have eight mats.
My PRIDE is the fact that these place mats are now a sampler of the stitches built into my Janome quilting machine. I have had the machine for several years and never created a sampler to show me the variety of stitches available to me. Now I have these useful handy references to help me decide what stitch I want to use on future projects. I feel creative, efficient and very practical. Good on me!


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

You are talented. I do well to sew a button on. My mother quilted all the time. Now that is gone I appreciate those quilts more and more. She also made me a quilted table cloth.

Cloudhands said...

Quilts made by someone dear to us are treasres. We went through a time when handmade seemed passe and the new modern manufactured goods were to be desired. Thank goodness people are once again interested in simpler 'one of a kind' arts. Oops, let me get off my soapbox.