"Simple like an uncarved block."
Tao te Ching

"Like an acorn that holds the promise of a thousand forests."

Saturday, April 4, 2009


We finally took our first trip of the year to the nursery and brought home three blueberry plants. Flutemaker tilled our garden and I did the planting, used a little home grown compost and toted the water. What a team. We'll put more in the garden as weather permits.

Here Flutemaker leaves the Hollyhocks against the garage wall. They have been there for several years and what was once a many colored display of flowers has settled on just a bright red. I should add new plants with more colors but I have really become very fond of this crew.

I also bought my annual herbs and onion sets. They will go in front of and beside this little plot of garlic. I want to till up the earth here and that will have to wait until another day. First I want to take up the lilies, bee balm and the wild geraniums. The English thyme can stay in the ground. Till or no till thyme is here to stay.
I want to resettle the perennials to the end of the bed or maybe somewhere else.
We aren't past our last hard frost date here but who can wait to garden until then. We'll just do what will work as we go along

1 comment:

Socratease8 said...

That tilling wasn't as easy as it looks plus I gained a pound. Must be muscle.